Brescia, the itineraries
Art Itinerary
Brescia, “the lioness of Italy” as Carducci defined it because of its heroic resistance to the Austrian army (1849), offers the lovers of Italian cities of art many attractions that are just too good to miss.
- the Monastery of Santa Giulia;
- Piazza della Loggia;
- Piazza dei due Duomi;
- the Capitoline Temple, UNESCO World Heritage Site;
- the Martinengo Picture Gallery;
- the Castle;
- the Teatro Grande (large theater);
- Underground Brescia.
Food and Wine Itinerary
Brescia’s cuisine is enjoyable and savory, based on meat, dairy products and cereals.
Among the traditional dishes are the “casoncelli”, delicious half-moon shaped ravioli pasta filled with meat, parmesan cheese and aromatic herbs, seasoned with lots of butter flavored with sage.
Another popular dish is the well-known “Taragna” polenta (mush), enriched with the fine “bagoss” cheese, a real excellence of the territory.
Such high-quality dishes need to be accompanied by suitable quality wines, of which the territory of Franciacorta is well supplied.
The evening can begin with the traditional aperitif of Brescia, the “Pirlo”, which is to be enjoyed beneath the porticoes of the Santellone or in the fashionable venues in the historical center of the town, with a slice of lemon rind, white wine, red “bitter” and soda water.
Nature Itinerary
The Province of Brescia, besides the most famous Parks and Nature Reserves, offers alternative routes for those who love to discover new itineraries immersed in nature.
A prime example is the “Buco del Frate”, a cave 53 meters high that preserves majestic fossil remains.
The Karstic sinkholes present on the Cariadeghe Plateau are further evidence of how water has played with the rocks throughout time, creating quite peculiar geographical formations.
The Rock Engraving Nature Reserve preserves the famous engravings that are a UNESCO World Heritage, and that document the lives of people 10,000 years ago.
Finally, the “Torbiere del Sebino” Nature Reserve, an area of great natural interest puts on a marvelous show of colors at sunset, and makes it possible to admire animals like the red heron and the marsh harrier.